Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Week 17 - Transfer's Coming, Staying put

Hey, I am glad to hear that everything is good at home. I don’t know why that you all have a bad missing feeling but I am doing actually a lot better and E. Thomas and I actually probably have gotten more along these last few days than ever and it’s sad that it is that way but I think it is because we are pretty similar and that we don’t really mix with ourselves.

I really am doing good though I got to go to Brussels and get a real Belgium waffle and you should see if you can find a recipe for suikerwaffles and make them because they are a really treat haha and they put chocolate and strawberries and bananas all over them so tasty! Oh and I got to spend the day with E. Soloman and E. Wilson which I still need to send a pic of him home. Oh and Graffiti is everywhere in Belgium and they had some sweet graffiti there I was impressed the pic is just the tram that got tagged but its still cool.

I am so excited for this next transfer because I will be with Elder Clafin in Zoetermeer and that will be fun only complaint is that he is going home after next transfer and that is a bit lame because I wanted a young companion that still struggles with language but it will be ok He is a great Elder.

We went bowling last P-day and that was way fun and oh I went to a Greek restaurant with Dave who we spend a lot of our free time with and he is such an awesome guy and It was his birthday so we got Greek food where he served his mission and it was so good and next week I will get a picture of it from him because you wouldn’t believe all the stuff I ate is was so good.

Zone conference was good and it was awesome to see my buddies again. I love all my MTC group they actually are all going to a different zone next transfer which sucks but I will be ok. I am with Elder Clafin my district leader and it will be sweet but I really wish I had a younger companion anyways Elder Clafin will be on his last transfer too so that will be interesting.

Tout Ziens
Elder Jardine

Elder ??? and Elder Thomas

Elder Jardine

Elder ??? and Elder Hendricks

Graffiti on the train

Elder Jardine

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